Thursday, September 29, 2016

64 Jesus Teaches in the Temple…..

Jesus goes up to the temple and starts to teach. And the religious authorities are upset again. After all, Jesus has never been formally taught about Jewish laws and scriptures, so what gives him the right to say these things? Jesus tells them he has the authority because what he says comes directly from God. He also accuses the religious authorities of trying to get him arrested and killed because of the incident back when he healed a man on the Sabbath. The crowd is shocked by this accusation and the idea that someone is trying to have Jesus killed. Jesus then explains that the religious authorities know that killing Jesus would be against Jewish law. They're just upset because he healed someone on the Sabbath. Showing his mastery of Jewish law, Jesus asks them why, if it is okay to circumcise a baby on the Sabbath, it would be against the law to heal a grown man on the Sabbath? When the people hear this exchange, they are stunned. Here is the man the authorities have been looking to have killed, and yet they're just standing there tongue-tied. Maybe Jesus really is the Messiah after all. Then again, he was born in Galilee. Jesus tells them that he doesn't really come from Galilee, but from God in heaven. The naysayers in the crowd try to have Jesus arrested right then and there because this is total blasphemy as far as they're concerned. However, no one can touch Him because it isn't the right time… yet. But after hearing this, some people in the crowd start to believe in Jesus. They question the religious authorities and want to know if Jesus could really be the Messiah. Again, the religious authorities are very threatened by this and try to have the police at the temple arrest Jesus. They just won't give up! Jesus explains that he will only be among them a little bit longer. After that, he is going to God. They can try to search for him, but they won't be able to find him. Jesus's enemies obviously don't understand.

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