Saturday, October 10, 2015

Lets review

Ok.. lets review and look at what the bible is all about. Just for a minute. The word bible means book. Its important that we recognise that the bible is God's book is for us. Its like a manufacturers handbook that instructs us how to operate our lives. There is an Old Testament and a New Testament. The word testament refers to a covenant or an agreement. This agreement is between God and the Isrealites. It is pretty simple. What God has promised with this covenant or agreement, is that the Jews were to be God’s special people and they are to be obedient to Him, and Him only, and in return God would bless them. He would be there for them. But when you read the Old Testament, you realize, .. there are few people that listen to God. They repeatedly disobey God. It all starts off with the beginning, how God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit all together put this little ol world together for us. Prior to us, God created the angels and among these angels was Lucifer. Lucifer was the smartest, the most beautiful, the highest of all angels, created by God. Now, he got his nose outta joint and wanted to be equal to God. Well there is only one Almighty God. Only one Creator, And this is where all the trouble begins. God is in Heaven, or no, God is Heaven, and with Lucifer or satan turning against God. God was not happy and satan was then casted down to the earth. And he is still here.. the fight still is on. satan is in power here on this earth. Many people follow the ways of satan, and the ambition of satan is; get as many as you can. He is working hard to turn people away from God in anyway you can imagine possible. It is happening every day. Just stop for one minute and think about that, something that is going on around you that is evil or bad or not normal. Who do you think is behind all that. satan. God is all good, God did not create this earth for people to be nasty and crazy and impatient and evil. That is not God’s way. God is love, God is all the good things, all the wonderful things you experience in life. That is God, all the nasties, that is satan. So right from the beginning satan is at it. He is in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, and right from there, he is tempting them to turn against God. Come on.. have the apple. Its good.. it will make you smart.. come on.. its easy.. just take it and taste it you will see.. its all good.. you will be smarter than God... That is evil at work. So the trust is broken with God and Adam. They didn’t obey. That is all they had to do and life would have been a bed of roses, but oh no. That fight is on, no matter who you are. So off life goes, and you have to read from the very beginning of the bible to get the whole picture, this is God’s word. The Almighty, the one who wins in the end. The reason the bible was written is so that we would know what God expects from us, how else are we to know. So back in the day. God spoke to people. He came to them in a vision, he came to them in a dream, he sent his angels to do his work too. Read it you will then know..So he talks, and he tests, and he expects people to follow, cause look at what God has given us. The Bible is like an eyeglass. without that eyeglass we do not see clearly. We only see a blurred reality. But with with that eyeglass, all comes into clear focus. We see God as He really is.

Right from the very beginning, every single thing you touch or use or eat was made by God. Think about it. No ponder on that one... So God talks to Abraham, he is the start of it all. He says to Abraham. Come with me, follow me and I will give you decendents that will grow into a great nation that will be as numberless as the stars. That means all us people.. Abraham started it all through God. God promised Abraham that this nation he would build, like that being us, would bring blessings to all nations. Abraham did wrong things, like humans do.. we all do.. he went on to have children, and those children were honored by God. They were the beginning of all nations, and believe me, they did wrong things too. If you read about how they lived their lives and where they came from you will see, they were just like us, not perfect.. The story of Abrahams family is an great story, of how we all came, how the tribes became a part of our lives, etc. Then comes Moses, he was chosen by God to give us some laws to follow since no one really knew what rules to follow. They were not nice back then, lots of evil seeping into peoples lives. That was people that were following the ways of satan. Satan is pretty good at making people follow other gods, and doing what they want, and living lives as if they had nothing else to live for….. blah. So, Moses comes into the picture, and God speaks with Moses, he gives him all the knowledge and power he needs to set things straight. And there was a lot to fix at this point, people really had hearts of stone, they really didn’t know any better. But they still saw the things that Moses did for them through God. He freed them from slavery and gave them other options on living God’s way instead of satan’s way. Moses was a special prophet, he was here to help us and it worked for awhile, but then after he died. Everyone went back to the same ol same ol, they had no direction. They complained about following God and found it was too hard to do. So then Judges marched on in and started ruling these people, well that was a disaster. Satan was working real hard time on these people and it was actually working. satan musta been clapping his hands back in the day of Judges, cause everything was a mess. Some good still hung around, but not enough to change people. They still went on about their lives as if there was no consequences. So, then the people complained again. Oh poor us, we need a King instead of Judges. So God said through Samuel, another prophet.. OK.. Kings they want, Kings they will get.. but it wont work. The Kings were really bad, few good, lots bad. God always made sure there were prophets around to help them and teach them that they had to live by God’s rules and these prophets, showed them that God was with them. They would tell them what was coming down the road, and when a prophet told you something was going to happen.. it happened, because they were in touch with God. With the Kings, there was one very good King who was very much in tune with God. Don’t think he didn’t do wrong too. He did big time, but he knew he did wrong and then he changed his ways. God loves that. King David was the King that loved God so much he would write poems, and songs, and psalms about how great God was and in his writings, by the hand of God, there is lots to be learned from them.. After King David, and his son Solomon, there really were not a whole lot of good Kings. Even Solomon, who was the richest and wisest of all kings, well, he did lots of things wrong, but in the end, he knew he was wrong and he was sorry for all that he did. So off we go, there are other prophets with messages of what is to come and some real important messages, ya gotta read about the prophets to understand what God’s game plan for us humans here on His earth. Like Daniel, and Isaiah, and many more.. these prophets began to talk about what was to come, a new convenant. That was the big thing, a new covenant with God that would change human’s hearts and it would be so good that it would make way for us sinners to receive forgiveness of all the sins we were doing. Most of the minor prophets are talking about what is to come ...there is a total of 39 books to read. All history, all God’s word and how satan tried time and time again to interfere and take over.. its all there.. along with God’s game plan.

Now comes the New Testament.. no one has heard from God in like 400 years!.. so its been a long time coming.. but the followers are still passing the word along.. waiting for this new Messiah to come along and clean things up.. After 400 years of being quiet tho, satan can do a lot of damage in 400 years. Its like God is letting the people fend for themselves to see what they will do. And there are still Christians living by Moses law, following them and passing them along. But they are using the laws for their own good, not God’s good. They just plain ol don’t get it. There are 27 books to read in the New Testament. They say it is written over a 50 year period with many authors. And the focus is all about Jesus.. and how to get salvation. This is all based on the New Covenant. The Old Covenant was focused on God and the Isrealites and was all about the law.. Now the New Covenant focuses on grace and on the foregiveness of sins in Jesus Christ. You can live forever in peace if you just pay attention. This is what God has been working up to.. it is His plan.. and He has passed it onto prophets in the Old Testament.. its all there.. Years and years before Christ came, it was foretold in the old testament… So the first four books in the New Testament are the Gospels.. these are all written by witnesses to Jesus’s life here on earth.. and they are an account of the life of Christ. Of course they cant account for everything.. but the main points are all there. You can pretty much get the picture of Jesus’s life here when you read them. Let me just account the last days of Jesus’s life for you.. read it.. its all there.. Put yourself in his position.. well you cant.. but just feel what Jesus went through for us little humans here on earth.. it was all in God’s plan.. He told the prophets about it many years ago. Now Jesus was living it and fulfilling all these prophecies. I have a new bracelet that was given to me at a meeting. It has John 3 16.. which is …….. For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life………. Never forget that ok. Read what Jesus went through for us! Read this, it is powerful.

He knelt praying in the middle of the night in a garden where He and His friends often went. He had told His friends “Pray that you don’t fall into temptation” His prayer was, “Father, if You are willing, let this cup pass from Me. But if this must happen, I will obey Your will” And then he prayed more earnestly. His sweat became as great drops of blood falling to the ground.

Soon soldiers came to take Him. He was betrayed by a best friend into their hands. The gospel of John tells us that the guards asked for “Jesus of Nazareth” When He answered, “I am He” they were knocked to the ground by the power of His confession. Peter, another friend, tried to rescue Him by attacking one of the high priest’s servants and cutting off his ear. But Jesus rebuked Peter for his actions, healed the servant’s ear and submitted Himself to the soldiers. He could have easily escaped, but He chose to be obedient to his Father’s will.

He was taken before the high priest, where He was questioned and beaten. Then He was sent before the local governor to be tried. The priests demanded that He be crucified because He had declared He was the Son of God. He was questioned again, but the governor could not find guilt in Him. Still, the others called for His crucifixion. The governor sent Him out to be whipped, hoping to appease the priests.. Thinking that would make them happy.
The rest of the morning He was whipped and beaten beyond recognition. A robe was placed over His bleeding back, left until the lacerations dried to the cloth, and then it was ripped from His shoulders, reopening all of the wounds. Then they draped it over Him to begin the process again. They mocked Him as king of the Jews and made a crown of one-inch thorns forcing it onto His head until the blood covered His face.
Again He was brought before the governor. This time he didn’t ask the Pharisees and Sadduces, but he put it to the people, hoping they would show mercy on this innocent man. But the crowd called back, “Crucify Him~ crucify Him!”. The governor washed his hands of the matter and turned Jesus of Nazareth over to the Roman guards for execution.

Jesus bore the weight of His own cross upon the torn flesh of His back and shoulders as He stumbled up the hill outside of the city. He was then nailed to the cross, raised up for all to see, and left there to die. The book of Matthew tells us He could have called twelve legions of angels to free Himself, but He didn’t. He knew His sacrifice would pay the price for all mankind to be set free from sin and have the right to stand with God.
He was buried in a borrowed tomb, but didn’t stay there long. On the third day He was resurrected from the dead, the keys of hell and death in His hands. He had paved the way for us to be born again, to become children of God, and to live forever with Him.

Immediately following His death, His friends and disciples were greatly afraid and hid. But after His resurrection, Jesus came and visited them, comforting and encouraging them. After He ascended to heaven, on the day of Pentacost, He gave them the Holy Spirit. A new boldness rose up within them. Jerusalem saw them convert three thousand on the first day. Then they spread to the corners of the earth to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, no longer afraid. Every one of them except John was executed for proclaiming the name of Jesus. The never denied His name again. This is the story told in the Gospels. Following the Gospels is the book of Acts. It’s a great book.. it focuses on how Christianity spread following the death and resurrection of Jesus. You will find that the disciples are now totally trying to spread the word.. it is their job. That is what Jesus was here for.. to show them, and now it is their job to spread the word.. that is all in the gospels.. they tell it like it was.. they were beaten, thrown in jail, made fun of, tortured all to their death.. because they were witnesses of the most incredible journey ever lived. All but one.. John lived to tell us the last book in the bible.. Revelation. They had help tho.. from Mark and Luke.. who were witnesses to everything Jesus did.. and also Paul. Paul was amazing.. considering that he was already established in life.. was a priest and knew it all.. He was out to get every Christian alive and destroy them spreading the word.. He was given permission to get rid of them all.. So off he goes to Damascus to round them all up. And on his way.. something happened.. something amazing… He was confronted by Jesus.. he saw the light.. and Jesus says to him..Paul.. why do you want to persecute Me? And then Paul is temporarily blinded, and was lead into Damascus blind by the people who were with him.. for three days he sat there.. blinded.. and converted to say the least.. when he was confronted by someone (Ananias) and he restored his eye sight.. Paul was chosen to bring the word to the gentiles and the kings…he immediately started preaching the word.. and continued to do so for the rest of his living days. In the New testament, he is in jail most of the time.. writing letters to the churches (the people) and trying to get them on board with God. And it works.. he has personally spread the good news to all men.. It tells you how we should be living our lives and what we are to do to receive salvation.. eternal life. Many lessons can be learned and should be learned in reading Paul’s letters and understanding what God wants from us. Its all there.. every question you ever had.. You can find there.. in Paul’s words. And Paul never takes credit for all this.. these are God’s words.. not his.. so pay attention. He is the messenger. Then we hear from Peter, and John and Jude.. and others.. all saying pretty much the same thing.. They were there.. they witnesses all this and want you to know.. In the end.. John is told everything we need to know about the end times.. this is not scary stuff if you have read the entire bible.. you will understand, and you will also recognize that many of what is coming has already been told by other prophets.. Its not going to be difficult for any Christian.. All Christians believe that God will save them and what is to come will be much better than anything we have experienced here on earth.. all we need to do is know what is coming, read God’s letter or the bible to us and prepare ourselves for when Jesus will come again. It is pretty simple.. its not difficult.. anyone can read it and when you do.. you will see a change come over you.. you will say to yourself.. I got it.. and you will fight to save it for the rest of your life. Because its true.. and you will see.. we will all get to see, and we will all get to make our own decisions. Lets just hope that it’s the right decision. God is the Creator, God is the Almighty, God is our Father, and God loves us. Its all there.. plain and simple. We are not to overlook one thing.. It is all written down and passed on for a reason.. so that we can live together in love forever. And if you read it.. you will be blessed.. promise.. 

Omnipotence means all-powerful. Monotheistic theologians regard God as having supreme power. This means God can do what he wants. It means he is not subject to physical limitations like man is. Being omnipotent, God has power over wind, water, gravity, physics, etc. God's power is infinite, or limitless.
Omniscience means all-knowing. God is all all-knowing in the sense that he is aware of the past, present, and future. Nothing takes him by surprise. His knowledge is total. He knows all that there is to know and all that can be known.
Omnipresence means all-present. This term means that God is capable of being everywhere at the same time. It means his divine presence encompasses the whole of the universe. There is no location where he does not inhabit. This should not be confused with pantheism, which suggests that God is synonymous with the universe itself; instead, omnipresence indicates that God is distinct from the universe, but inhabits the entirety of it. He is everywhere at once.

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