Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Lords Prayer

Hello there, let me explain to you the Lord's prayer, in which was given to us from God for a reason. I find when I need to just pray to God, I pray this prayer. I would say it every day, every night before I fall asleep I say this one, because Jesus gave it to us and said.. pray it, it will save you. So I believe and I do. Anyone can just say it, or pray it, but you should know what you are praying for ok. This was given to us, not to just rhyme it off or chant it like some magic would force God to do what we want him to do.. no way. Its meant to teach us something about God and about praying and about our need.

Briefly I will tell you this. God created everything, bottom line. No matter what others have told you, they only tell you things so that you wont believe. Giving birth was a true miracle. God gave me children, and I'm thankful. God does this, there is no other explanation. Even Scientists can't explain us, our DNA, our individualness, our existence. Unexplanable, unless you believe that there is a more powerful force out there that is controlling our very existence. There has been so many witnesses in the past. In the past, it was a messed up world. No body was listening or paying attention to God, the Almighty that gave us life. They thought better and wouldn't play by the rules. So God said. SO BE IT, And Jesus came. Many people witnessed all his miracles, he healed the sick, he healed the blind, he actually brought people back from the dead, after being dead for 4 days, he said. get up and live!.. and there were many witnesses, and they all ran home and wrote it down cause it was the most amazing thing they had ever seen. Can you imagine witnessing such an event, like wow. So with all these miracles, then he said. Ok, for you to believe, I will actually die, a brutal death and I will come back again, just so that you will believe that there is something bigger out there, bigger than all of us - God! and he did that too, he came back, he ate with people, he talked with people and made his existence very known to many witnesses here on earth, and guess what, they ran home to write this all down because this was HUGE. This was carried on for years and years, that is what is in the New Testament, everything Jesus did to make us believe in God and to praise that we even live on this earth and that there is more to come that is even better. All we need to do is love one another and believe its coming, how easy is that. Now tell me, who in their right mind would be tortured, beaten, threatened, killed for no reason at all - to just tell us.... Hey, there is something better coming down the line? Even the people that wanted to pass the good news along to others, they were put in jail, starved, beaten, you name it.. so don't you think they would have caved in to save themselves instead of standing strong and saying. Nope,I was there and I saw it! I know what is coming, so if you want to beat me and harass me and kill me, then so be it, cause I was there. I seen it. Many, many people stood their ground and to this day, that same word is being passed on to all of us. ONLY if you want it, if you dont, then go ahead, go on with your life as you are but, no eternal life if you do not believe. I want to explain the most important prayer in the world to you ok, so be patient as we say it.

Our Father who art in heaven..

With these words you should recognize that you are praying to the Almighty God.. The creator.. the maker of everything. He is in heaven. He is our loving heavenly father, and if we all had normal fathers we would understand true love and respect. but like many people, we did not have that role model in our lives. We do have a father tho, the best father .. God Almighty, and we should approach Him with love and respect. He gave us life! We should be thankful and understand who God is, so that when we pray Our Father who art in Heaven, we are praying to God and we know him and know where he is. Jesus told us to pray to God the father, just like he did..

Hallowed be Your name

hmmm what is that? Its not a word that we use now a days that is for sure, but you can't change what God has taught us, so if we don't use the word Hallow anymore then I think its a good idea to find out what it means. Hallow means "to bow down" or to make holy. So when we say Hallow be your name, what we are praying is...... " show us how holy and perfect and different from us you are! This line in this prayer is really an extension of the opening of the prayer, acknowledging that God is our Father in Heaven. You have to realize that God loves us and listens to us, recognize his holiness in the Hallow be your name, this is also where you never use the Lords name in Vain.. ever. He is holy and his name should only be used in a holy context. God is not our buddy who we can ask for things and expect results right away. You have to earn his trust, same as you do with anyone. He loves you, but you have to earn what he has given you, by trusting God knows what he is doing.

Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven..

Well.. God is King - he is in charge of everything, bottom line. Hey even atheists pray when their loves ones are in terrible trouble. That is because there is just something inside of us that tells us God is in control, and if you read the bible time and time again it affirms that idea. The word will means the same as desire. So when you are praying for God's will to be done, we are praying for all that God desires to be done. So if you pray but refuse to acknowledge God's authority (your will be done) then we are only deceiving ourselves and we are not really praying the way Jesus taught us to pray. Many, many people pray this prayer ever day and obey God's will for them. Then you see that God's kingdom is made increasingly evident to the unbelieving world around us. So what God wants or desires or wills for us is to be good here on earth, as we all will be someday in heaven. His desire is all good. This line actually means I wish that your kingdom in heaven, was here on earth. (which in time it will be)

Give us this day our daily bread

.. this actually means God provides. He does not give us everything we ask for, but he gives us everything we need. God takes care of all of us, the believers, ask me about Manna someday. Give us our daily bread is a reminder that God is the Only One who is our provider and support in this life here, not ourselves, the other people in our lives or any other thing in this world. He will look after us and provide if we believe. Only if we believe tho.

Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

God is the only one that can forgive sin, bottom line. Same as forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. God is simply asking all of us to be willing to forgive all the people who ever sinned against us in this life and if we do, then He will be willing to forgive us for our sins. But big thing is, you cannot receive forgiveness if you don't admit that you need it!

And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all evil

Well pretty easy I would think. Confessing your sins in prayer is really really important, it is between you, and God - you have to repent.. and repenting means. God, I am sorry and I really really mean it. You can think of repentance as doing an about face. imagine you are walking one way, then you stop and turn around and start walking in the opposite direction that you were walking in before. that is what repentance is like. When we confess our sin to God we are admitting our need to be forgiven and that we dishonoured God. Confession is great, makes you feel good, cause you have finally owned up, but.. if you do not repent.,then guess what, you are doomed to repeat it again. Praying this part of the Lords prayer is actually saying to God. I know that I have sinned and this does not honour you and its not what you want or desire from me. You are asking God to help you be a blessing rather than a discouragement. Its important to realize we cannot escape temptation on our own, no matter how good we are, or how much self control we have. So this part of the Lord's prayer when we say it is saying, help us not be tempted by all the evil that surrounds us.


what a powerful word this is, when you say Amen. We are declaring that we truly believe that God has heard everything we have said and then He will do it. Amen means I believe.

The relationship you have with God is between you and God, no one else. He knows what is in your heart, so open yourself up, and you will see that you want to be apart of this exciting event that is coming. It only comes if you pray for it and mean it, so try it.. might see some very positive changes in your life, worked for me. I was in a very dark hole and had no idea how to get out, and waaaalaaaa. Im here, blessed and making God #1 in my life, its all good. Keep it close by and say the prayer that we all say to bring us peace.

I want you with me when we are all in heaven.. dont let Satan control your life, cause there is nothing more he would love than for you to not believe and be on his side, which is the wrong side in the end.. Satan loses........ honest.. I know.. I read the book, you should too!

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