Saturday, July 30, 2016

118 Revelation - Seven Bowls of Wrath

After this, John sees seven angels carrying seven plagues. He also sees that the people who brought down the Beast are sitting by a sea of glass playing harps and singing songs of praise to God. Then John notices that one of them gives the angels seven golden bowls filled with hot steamy portions of God's wrath. The time has come. All Non-Beleivers.. look out!

A voice tells the angels to go ahead and serve up a heaping helping of that wrath on the Earth. So, the angels pour out their bowls one by one. The first angel dumps out his bowl, and all the non-believers who have the mark of the Beast on them break out in painful sores. The second angel turns the sea into blood. The third angel turns the rivers into blood. The fourth angel turns up the heat on the sun and burns all the people. The fifth angel plunges the entire city of Rome into darkness. The people there curse God, because they're still not getting the clue. Repent or there's worse to come. The sixth angel dries up the Euphrates River. The seventh angel pours his bowl out and a voice tells everyone that, "It is done." But, wait. There's still lightning and thunder. Oh, and an earthquake. An earthquake that splits Rome into thirds. And destroys every nation on Earth. Oh, and hailstones. They're so big they end up crushing people. And yet, the people still don't get it. They just keep cursing God and going about with their non-believing ways.

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