Monday, July 25, 2016

121 Revelation Millennium and Judgment Day

John sees that another angel has gotten hold of the Dragon and locked him in the bottomless pit. He's going to stay there for 1,000 years. After that, he'll be let out for a little while. So then John sees thrones with people seated on them. These people get to judge. Obviously, anyone who has kept faith, believing in Jesus is good to go. They will get to reign on earth for 1,000 years. But remember, once that 1,000 years is up, the Dragon is going to be let out of the pit and gather another army to destroy Earth. But, don't worry, this war is going to end a lot like the first one—with the Dragon as the big loser. Except this time, he'll be thrown into the Lake of Fire for good.

Once this happens, everyone is going to be judged by God. Even people who have been dead for years are going to have to answer for their actions on Earth. God will open up his Book and look over his records and give you either the thumbs up or the thumbs down. Fear means to reverence, or to stand in awe of someone. Glory means to consider God to be above all other things. Grace is now gone, and judgment is God’s next action. Since men dwell on the earth, which was created by God; and sail in ships upon the seas, which were created by God; and gaze at the luminaries of the heaven, which were created by God; and drink water from the fountains of waters, which were created by God; then men should worship him that made all these wonderful things and gave them to men as a blessing? If God realizes you're not in his Book, it's the Lake of Fire for you, too.

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