Saturday, August 6, 2016

110 Revelation - The Four Horsemen

The Four Horsemen

So, the Lamb opens the first of the seven seals. Immediately, John sees a white horse - Conquest. Its rider has a bow and is wearing a crown. He has clearly come to conquer something very important - I think this is the Antichrist, or a representation of false prophets. The Lamb opens the second seal. John sees a bright red horse - war. The guy riding this horse has a huge sword. At first, this doesn't seem so bad, but then we find out that he also takes peace from the Earth so that everyone will kill each other. Then, the Lamb opens the third seal. Out comes a black horse - Death. Its rider has a pair of scales in his hand—the better to judge you with. Next, the fourth seal is opened. John sees a pale green horse - Famine - whose rider is Death himself. Death is given authority to kill people all over the Earth. You have to understand, this is not the Christians. God promised to protect all those that believed. This is all the non believers, satan's choice.. the ones that sided with satan.

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