Saturday, August 6, 2016

111 Revelation - The Seals

The seals have a cumulative effect. False religion causes instability within relationships leading to war. Famine follows war, and when malnourishment occurs and social systems break down, human beings are more susceptible to disease. These seals depict the ferocity of problems unleashed on the world in the lead-up to “the Day of the Lord.”

When we look at the four seals of Revelation 6, we have to understand them in the context of God’s age long message to mankind. False religion, war, famine and disease are the results of man’s broken relationship with Him. And when these horsemen make their rides, it will be after repeated warning and pleading from God to turn from sin and live righteously based on His eternal law of love toward God and man.

But it's not over yet. The Lamb goes on to open the fifth seal. John sees the souls of all the Christians who have been martyred so far. They cry out to God asking that he bring down the hammer on the people who murdered them. God tells them they're going to need to wait a little longer. He gives them some white robes. The description of souls “under the altar” is obviously symbolic. In 1 Thessalonians 4:16 Paul makes it clear that deceased Christians remain in the grave until Christ returns. When we allow the Bible to interpret itself, Revelation 6:9 cannot mean that anyone is in heaven now. Rather, it is both a prophecy that martyrdom would occur and that it would continue until the second coming of Christ. The Lamb then opens the sixth seal. Suddenly the heavens go crazy. There's an earthquake and the sun becomes black. The moon turns to blood and the stars fall out of the sky. All the kings and rich guys and other powerful people on Earth try to run and hide from the Lamb.

After this, John sees four angels standing at the four corners of the Earth. They're holding back the winds, and another angel tells them to make sure not to damage the Earth… at least not yet. The angel tells them that they still need to mark the foreheads of the Elect. They go through and seal 144,000 people, a remarkably small and specific number. That's 12,000 for each of the tribes of Israel Then, John sees tons of people from all over the world standing around God's throne. All these people are wearing white robes and holding palm leaves. They praise God and the Lamb along with the elders and the angels and all other creatures in Heaven. One of the elders tells John that these people have been through a huge ordeal, but they made it through and that's why they're here. They won't be hungry or thirsty ever again. The Lamb is going to be their shepherd and lead them where they need to go.

Next, John sees the Lamb open the seventh seal. Nothing happens. There's just silence. But don't get too hopeful. It's just the calm before the storm. After about a half hour of quiet, John sees seven angels with seven trumpets standing in front of God.

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