Friday, August 26, 2016

91 Philemon

Philemon: The next book in the New Testament

So he writes again… Paul here. Timothy, too. This time, Paul is writing his friends Philemon, Apphia, and Archippus. But the bulk of this is mostly addressed to Philemon. Okay, here it goes. Paul knows how loving and faithful Philemon is. He's heard all about it and it's warmed his heart just thinking about all the Christians that have been inspired by Philemon's goodness. Paul has a favor to ask here. It's a biggie, but note that he's asking, not telling Philemon what to do. Even though Paul could totally command him, he won't. See, while Paul was in prison (again), he met a guy named Onesimus. He taught Onesimus about Jesus and Onesimus became a believer. See, Onesimus was also a slave who ran away from his master, Philemon. While Onesimus was in prison with Paul, he helped him out tons. Paul would have liked to keep Onesimus there with him, but now he's decided to send him back to his former master. See, Paul didn't want to overstep his bounds and keep someone else's slave. He'd much rather Philemon agree to this arrangement on his own, so he doesn't feel like Paul's forcing him or anything. In fact, Paul hopes that when Onesimus comes back, Philemon will welcome his human property as a brother in Christ. Paul wants Philemon to "welcome him as you would welcome me." Paul even agrees to pay any debts that Onesimus owes Philemon. Paul is really laying it all on the line here, Philemon. Paul knows that Philemon will do the right thing here.

Oh, and while Paul's asking Philemon to free his Christian slaves, Paul's coming to visit. Paul closes by letting Philemon know that some of his fellow inmates and friends send their love and good wishes.

So …………. Paul is trying to explain to everyone that God is intimately involved in our salvation – The Father chose us, Jesus attained our redemption at the cross, and the Holy Spirit seals us.. get that.. You are blessed to be a Christian.. you have no idea how blessed you are.. Why do you think you live in this part of the world, why do you think you were born, why do you think that you were saved.. because you are blessed right from the get go.. don’t ever let anyone take that away from you.. EVER.. it’s a gift.. glorify in it!.

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