Friday, August 5, 2016

112 Revelation - The trumpets

The angels all start to blow their trumpets one by one. When the first angel trumpets, hail and fire mixed with blood starts to rain down on the Earth. The second angel blows his horn and a burning mountain falls into the sea. So things are getting worse. Much worse. The third angel takes his turn and a star named Wormwood falls from the sky and pollutes the water even more. The fourth angel finishes off this attack on the Earth when he blows his horn and the sun, moon, and stars get dimmer. Then the eagle sums up the whole cheerful segment, saying, "Woe to the inhabitants of the Earth!"

The fifth angel blows his horn and a bottomless pit opens up in the Earth. Out of the pit comes a whole swarm of terrifying locusts. They have human faces and hair, but teeth like lions, iron scales, and huge wings. The freaky locusts are told to leave the Elect alone (those people with God's mark on their forehead). But they get the green light to go on and torture everyone else for a few months.
Once the locusts are done doing their thing, the sixth angel blows his trumpet. Guess what? More bad news for non-believers. Four angels of death are released. They're told to kill a third of the humans still living on Earth. Then about two hundred million horses storm the Earth. They have heads like lions and breathe smoke, fire, and sulfur. Their tails are like scorpions. They also kill a whole lot more people—non believers, another third, in fact. Probably the weirdest part of all of this is that the people that are left over still aren't convinced. They refuse to repent and put their faith in Jesus.

Once the locusts are done doing their thing, the sixth angel blows his trumpet. Guess what? More bad news for non-believers. Four angels of death are released. They're told to kill a third of the humans still living on Earth. Then about two hundred million horses storm the Earth. They have heads like lions and breathe smoke, fire, and sulfur. Their tails are like scorpions. They also kill a whole lot more people—non believers, another third, in fact. Probably the weirdest part of all of this is that the people that are left over still aren't convinced. They refuse to repent and put their faith in Jesus.


Then John sees another awesome angel coming down from Heaven. He has a rainbow for a halo and his face shines like the sun. The angel hands John a tiny scroll and tells him to eat it. The scroll will taste like honey going down, but is going to leave a bitter taste in John's stomach.
Another voice tells John that two witnesses are going to go out into world. So they go down to Earth, but then a beast comes up from the bottomless pit and attacks them. And it kills them. Their bodies lie in the streets of Jerusalem for three days, while all the non-believers gloat and rejoice. But, the people push their luck a little by refusing to bury them and throwing a huge party to celebrate the fact that they're dead. And are they? Of course not! After three and a half days, they get right back up and start living again. The people, naturally, freak out. Then, they fly up into Heaven and let loose a huge earthquake. Seven thousand people are killed, but the rest, wisely, repent and put their faith in Jesus. Finally, some people are catching on.


Finally, the seventh angel goes ahead and blows his trumpet. John hears voices announcing that God's reign on Earth has begun. Finally. The 24 elders start to worship God and let everyone know that it's almost time to start judging some people. The faithful are going to be rewarded big time, but non-believers… well, just wait and see. Then, God's temple up in Heaven opens and everyone can see inside and there's thunder and lightning and hail.

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