Saturday, August 27, 2016

90 Titus

The message of Titus is that sound teaching leads to godliness. Titus portrays Christ as our pattern. We are not saved by good works but for good works – it is not our works that God wants but us. We have received the “gift of righteousness” and the result of being called righteous by faith will be good works as we are continuously conformed into Jesus’ image. Righteousness will automatically produce good works and this righteousness is His righteousness – His righteous life that He has given to us.

Paul warns of people who confess God but in there actions deny Him. If we have real faith it will flow from us as actions because its not faith and works its faith that works. Faith in God is faith that He will change you from the inside, give you a new heart and faith in Him has made us a new creation. Just like when a car has been given a new engine it runs better so too with us – we have been born again by the spirit and that will naturally result in faith that works.

So, It's time for another letter from Paul. This time, he's writing to his other friend and travelling companion, Titus. Paul reminds Titus that he left him in Crete so that he could keep order there. Seems the people of Crete are in need of some leadership. Titus was supposed to pick leaders in every city, and Paul lays out some guidelines. Elders should be "blameless." They also have to be married (only once) and have kids who are Christian. Bishops also have to be upstanding guys. No one who's arrogant, mean, an alcoholic, or greedy need apply for the position. A bishop needs to have a level lead and be able to pass on what's true and right. You've gotta have strong leaders because there are lots of Christian naysayers out there who are rebelling against Paul's teachings (which are, in turn, Jesus's teachings). These naysayers think that all Christians need to follow Jewish law and be circumcised. He's dealt with this before. He tells Titus to take it to these guys and try to get them to stop following "Jewish myths" and turning away from the truth.

Paul lays out some more advice that Titus should start handing out there in Crete. Every man should be on his best behavior. So that in every way the teachings about God will be attractive to those witnessing because Christ gave himself to redeem us from all wickedness and to purified a people eager to do good. Men should be doing things in moderation, acting serious, and basically just being good for the community. Women also need to keep things on the up and up. They should stay away from spreading gossip and lies and drinking too much. The older ladies need to set an example for younger women, encouraging these gals to love their husbands and kids, control their female emotions, take care of the house, and, of course, submit to their husbands. If women don't do all this, non-Christians are really going to have disrespect toward believers. Young men shouldn't run around acting all crazy either. These guys might be better off not venturing outside of the house. Slaves, also, should obey their masters. Don't talk back, don't steal, and just be faithful to the person who owns you. It's what God wants, says Paul. This is why God sent Jesus, Paul continues. One day, Jesus will come back and see how awesome the Christians have been doing and reward them. Until then, people just have to keep living Godly lives.

Paul tells Timothy that he should let everyone know that they need to obey authority. Basically, Christians should be kind to non-Christians. After all, it wasn't so long ago that they didn't know about Jesus either. Jesus has come to save everyone, says Paul. And not because people are all so great or have done something to deserve it. It's just because that's how God planned it. By being baptized, every Christian gets to share in the saving power of God's goodness. So, if you believe in God, you'll act Godly. It's pretty simple. It is by God’s mercy that we are justified through grace. We are now heirs having the hope of eternal life. This is what Paul reminds Titus to teach, warning him to avoid foolish controversies and arguments, because they are not profitable. Instead, the truth of God’s mercy is profitable for everyone and will spur us on to doing what is good. Paul closes with instructions for Titus to help those coming to him and to live a productive life.

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