Tuesday, October 18, 2016

45 Haggi

so now.. Haggai is next and he draws attention to common problems most people face even today. Haggai asks us 1) to examine our priorities to see if we are more interested in our own pleasures than doing the work of God; 2) to reject a defeatist expecting failure attitude when we run into opposition or discouraging circumstances; 3) to confess our failures and seek to live pure lives before God; 4) to act courageously for God because we have the assurance that He is with us always and is in full control of our circumstances; and 5) to rest secure in God's hands knowing that He will abundantly bless us as we faithfully serve Him.

Haggai's words were addressed to the people in Judah and Jerusalem who had returned from exile. He sought to shake them out of their dependency and rejuvenate their spiritual commitment. He urged them to dispel their apathy - lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern, and to set their priorities straight, and rebuild the temple. Blessings would follow.

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