Tuesday, October 11, 2016

52 Luke

Now about Luke.. who is the third one to write the Gospel. Luke was a well educated and cultured man. He was careful to emphasize that he wrote his Gospel based on reliable, first hand sources. Luke hangs out with Paul. Paul being someone I would have loved to have hung out with too.. cept he was in jail a lot, and only had the means of writing to people because of his faith. But man, did he have strong faith.. I admire that.. so anyways..

Luke.. He was a doctor and he totally believed every single thing that came from Jesus. And when it was his turn to write a gospel you can be sure that he based his gospel on reliable firsthand info. Luke was known to be an accurate historian, and as a result he carefully researched everything. Luke approaches his work by making Jesus the Son of man. He shows how Jesus was a real person and how He showed a genuine interest in people from all walks of life. Luke begins his gospel with the ancestry of Jesus, His birth and early years and information on John the Baptist too.

Luke went on to tell about Jesus s preparation for ministry, and he gives full detail on when Jesus got baptized and at that point the Holy Spirit descended upon Him and the Father gave a verbal affirmation of Him. God was happy..... Look here everyone .. this is my son.. Luke goes on to tell how Jesus loves to demonstrate his authority over demonic spirits, diseases of every kind, etc. He also tells his side of the story on how Jesus was rejected by many including the Samaritians, a lawyer, Jewish leaders, the Pharisees and more lawyers. The Jewish leaders even accused him of being demonized, which is ridiculous. Luke gives a good Gospel with good information on hypocrisy, faithfulness, repentance, the kingdom, relating to people, God’s love, wealth, forgiveness, gratitude and prayer.. read it you will like it.

Now Luke also tells us that Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God and that it would not appear immediately and that His followers would need to faithfully carry out the work given to them in His absence. He said He would one day return with the authority to judge every man. Luke goes on to talk about Jesus’s death and resurrection the same as Matthew and Mark This gospel of Luke's is very well written, same story, just different perspective.. I don’t want to get too into detail because I want to do John’s gospel with huge detail. then we will be over the Gospels.

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