Sunday, October 2, 2016

61 Jesus and Everlasting Life

The people want to know how they can do God's work. Jesus tells them they just have to believe in him, the one God sent. Sounds easy enough. But the people have short memories and want to know how he will prove to them that he's really the one that God sent. They explain that God gave the Jewish people bread from heaven when they were wandering in the wilderness (remember that way back in Exodus? It was called Manna, Remember?). How is Jesus going to prove his credentials? Jesus tells them that it's true that God gives bread from heaven that makes everything in the world seem alive.

The people decide that, yes, they'd like to have some of this special life-giving bread. So Jesus tells them that he is this special bread of life. Anyone who believes in him will never be hungry again. Or thirsty, for that matter. Some people have seen and heard what Jesus had to say and still don't believe. Any person who does come to Jesus, though, will be accepted and get raised up with God at the end of time.
Again, Jesus' words send the religious authorities into convulsions. They start complaining about Jesus. How dare he say that he is a special life-giving bread from heaven? They keep asking each other: Isn't this just Jesus, Joseph's son? We know this kid's parents, but here he is telling us he came down from heaven…?

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