Sunday, October 9, 2016

54 Life of Jesus by John

Life of Jesus by John

Now John's gospel takes a minute to explain the big question: Why did God send Jesus to earth? According to the writers, God set this whole thing up because he loves the world so much. God sent his only son here to die so that the people who believed in it all would live forever with God. Jesus isn't here to condemn anyone—actually, he's here to save everyone. If you just believe in him, you'll be spared from any judgment, but if you don't, well… it won't end well. Jesus gets compared to a light. But there are people who love darkness so much that they will turn away from the light because they just love doing evil deeds. And of course, light would illuminate your horribleness and show the world how awful you really are. But if you're a good person, you'll be drawn to the light so that everyone can see the goodness inside you and praise God for it. Let me get into this a little further so you can read about Jesus while he was here.. same story in the bible, but the bible is God's word.. this is just a summary so that you can get an idea and then go read it yourself.. :)

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