Saturday, October 8, 2016

55 John the Baptist is back.

Next John the Baptist Is Back …… Jesus and his disciples take a trip to the countryside, where they baptize people. John the Baptist is also there doing some baptizing. The disciples of John the Baptist start talking. They ask John about Jesus and how he's gotten in on the baptismal market. John tells them not to worry. If they saw Jesus there, it's where God wants him to be. John reminds them again that he (John) isn't the messiah. John is pretty excited about this whole arrangement, though, even though Jesus is going to outshine him. Jesus came from God, but John just came from the earth. That means he can only talk about earthly things. Jesus is going to tell everyone what He knows about God. Some people will believe Him, and God will share the spirit with these special ones. But some people won't and… well, let's just say that God won't be too pleased. Jesus hears that the religious authorities are grumbling about Him because He was hanging around baptizing more people than John. This doesn't sounds good. Actually, Jesus wasn't baptizing people—his disciples were—but He still decides it's best to leave Judea and head back up to Galilee.

Here is one of my paintings

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