Friday, October 21, 2016

42 Nahum

Nahum did not write this book as a warning or “call to repentance” for the people of Nineveh. God had already sent them the prophet Jonah 150 years earlier with His promise of what would happen if they continued in their evil ways. The people at that time had repented and changed their lives, remember.. to Jonah’s dismay.. he wasn’t impressed, but they did change their ways and saved themselves from doom. But now lived just as bad, if not worse than they did before. Now Nahum was telling the people of Judah to not despair, because God had pronounced judgment and the Assyrians (what is now Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon) would soon be getting just what they deserved. Everyone was feeling their endless cruelty. It was bad. So, the people of Nineveh, which was the capital of Assyria, who once, had responded to the preaching of Jonah and turned from their evil ways to serve the Lord God. But then 150 years later, Nineveh returned to idolatry, violence, and arrogance. Can you believe they did not learn from their ancestors! Once again God sends one of His prophets to Nineveh warning of judgment in the form of the destruction of their city and exhorting them to repentance. Sadly, the Ninevites did not heed’s Nahum’s warning, and the city was brought under the dominion of Babylon. Now, Babylon was the capital of a small city state of Mesopotamia, named Babylonia. Which today is now Iraq. Babylon is mentioned many many times in the bible. Always in a negative content. Babylon is not good. Babylon, Babylonia, Babel.. all bad to me.

Here is a fact.

Babylon is mentioned 260 times in the bible, and is second in importance only to Jerusalem. It is viewed as the Devil’s city. While Jerusalem is viewed as God’s city. They are always in opposition to each other, so whenever I see Babylon. I know its trouble.

Back to Nahum

The apostle Paul, repeats what Nahum says in regard to the Messiah, and His ministry, as well as the apostles of Christ in His time. It may also be understood of any minister of the Gospel whose business it is to "preach the Gospel of peace." God has made peace with sinners by the blood of Christ, and has given to His people the peace that “transcends all understanding”. The preacher’s work is also to "bring glad tidings of good things" , such as reconciliation, righteousness, pardon, life, and eternal salvation by a crucified Christ. The preaching of such a Gospel, brings such news. The imagery here is of one who runs to others, eager and joyful to proclaim the Good News. That being me, I wish I could talk to others about all this, but people just don’t want to listen.. same as back in the day eh.

Think about it this way. God is patient and slow to anger. He gives every country time to proclaim Him as their Lord. But He is not to be mocked, or made fun of in any way. Any time a country turns away from Him to serve its own motives, He steps in with judgment. Almost 220 years ago, the United States was formed as a nation guided by principles found in the Bible. And Canada.. 147 years ago, Canada being the second largest country in the world. Same deal tho, founded by the principlas found in the Bible. In the last 50 years that has changed, and we are turning daily in the opposite direction. As Christians it is our duty to stand up for biblical principles and scriptural truth, for Truth is our country’s only hope. Or guess what, judgement will come one day, and it will come! If these countries in the past were founded by guidelines and principals found in the bible. Then what is going on today? Look around, The churches are closing, there are more cults today than ever, do you ever see the ten commandments hung anywhere like they used to be in court houses and schools. What about the bible being taught in the schools? Same sex marriage, divorce, sex changes, death with dignity.. like what is up with that? You can’t say Merry Christmas anymore, cause you might offend someone.. hmmm There is a long list of what was, and is no longer, so we are no longer following the bible these days. Which was also predicted in the bible.. sad.. ok Im rambling.

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