Friday, October 7, 2016

56 Jesus heals a Dying Boy

……After two days, Jesus leaves Sychar and heads back to Galilee. He's pretty sure he won't get any respect, though, because his hometown of Nazareth is in Galilee. Things are tough on the homefront, you know? But when he arrives in Galilee this time—surprise!—the people welcome him with open arms. Turns out, they saw what he did in Jerusalem during Passover and heard about changing the water into wine at the wedding.

In a town called Capernaum on the Sea of Galilee, one of the royal officials has a very sick son who's about to die. The people ask Jesus to come to Capernaum to heal the boy. Jesus is a little annoyed. He thinks that all the people are interested in is seeing fancy miracles. The official visits with Jesus personally and begs for him to help his son before it's too late. Jesus seems to be moved by the father's pleas on behalf of his son and tells the man that he should head back home and his son will be fine. The man honestly believes that what Jesus said will happen—so he starts on the journey back to his house. The next day, as he nears his home, all his servants run to tell him that the boy has recovered. In fact, his fever broke around the same time that the man had been talking to Jesus the day before. Coincidence? Think not. Now the man and everyone who lives in his house believes in Jesus.

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