Bible Summary - my words
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
1 Books of the Bible
I wrote this for someone who had some time on their hands and I thought it would entice them to read the bible themselves... so if that happens with you... you have been blessed.. Here are some benefits of actually studying the Bible
God in His great love and mercy wants us to reap the benefits and rich rewards that await those who genuinely seek and obey Him. Each of us should study His Word, the Bible, and make its teachings part of our daily lives. Life will take on a new and exciting dimension never experienced before.
The Bible is our anchor in an increasingly unstable and dangerous world. It is the only source of real hope among the uncertainties that daily confront us. Keep studying and applying its words, and you will see your life change... for the better.
Books of the Bible Old Testament – 39 Books
Samuel 1
Samuel 2
Kings 1
Kings 2
Chronicles 1
Chronicles 2
Songs of Solomon
Jesus and Paul and the disciples constantly refer back to God’s word in the Old Testament Books
New Testament – 27 books
Corinthians 1
Corinthians 2
Thessalonians 1
Thessalonians 2
Timothy 1
Timothy 2
Peter 1
Peter 2
John 1
John 2
John 3
Here is one of my paintings...
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
2 The Bible is the story of God's creation
Simply put, the Bible is the story of God's creation, the fall of humankind into sin and finally God's sacrifice in Jesus, paying the price for the sin of all people. That is us! We are the sinners. Everyday there is something that comes up with me.. I don’t know about you, but I struggle with my sins every day. But I know there is a great outcome in the end.. if I keep with it.. Knowing the whole Bible story helps me put each of the books and stories that I have read in context. It helps me understand how it all fits together and I get an amazing picture of God's love for me and everyone for that fact. The more I read the more it becomes clear to me. You are put on this earth to find God.. and to Glorify God. Some it takes longer than others. Took me 50 years. No excuses.
Check it out...but please read the Bible for yourself. It will change your life. I cant stress that enough.
Something you should understand is that God in the Old Testament gave us Prophets.. for a reason so that they could interpret dreams, visions, and talk to. That is right, in the Old Testament God spoke to people. Only in the Old Testament though. People needed direction, so God gave it to them. God gave us prophets, who were selected people that spoke for God and they interpret his will to human beings. They also revealed God’s plan for the future. There was no Holy Spirit then, these holy men spoke as if they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Prophecy is big! Bible prophecy warns people to repent, so they can avoid punishment. Prophecy is the future given in advanced. And there is tons of it in the bible and proven. More to come.. Also understand that in the Old Testament, people didn't have a conscience, they acted like animals at that time.. and very hard to understand sometimes.. they had hearts of stone.. not like today.
God spoke to people in the Old Testament. Even when God spoke to these intermediaries (mediators or links to God), we see infrequent communication rather than frequent regular communication. It was not an every day thing. You had to have alot of patience to wait to hear from God.
He spoke to Noah 5 times over 950 yrs, Abraham 8 times over 175 yrs, Isaac 2 times and 1 time to Rebekah over 180 yrs, Jacob 7 times and 1 time to Laban over Jacob's lifetime. These are just some examples. Also God changed our lifespan to 120 years.. so no more old old people in the bible. That was just in Genesis.
We also see that God does not address personal issues, only issues that involve his redemptive plan. Which is the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
In the Old Testament, God did not speak to his intermediaries regarding personal matters unless it involved his redemptive plan.
Monday, November 28, 2016
3 Genesis

Ok to begin with the first book in the bible is Genesis….This is the beginning and it is actually the foundation to the understanding of the whole Bible. It is a book that speaks about relationships, like those between God and his creation, between God and us humans and between us humans …… its rather interesting to read how people lived and how we are pretty much the same now…….
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Think about it.. or if you read about it.. the world was formless, empty and dark.. blah.. In six days God created day and night, oceans and sky, land and plants, the sun, moon and stars, fish, birds and land animals. Finally, in His own image He created a man called Adam, the first man.. and a woman called Eve – to help him and be a companion, then placed them in a garden in Eden. God rested on the seventh day – He was very happy with His creation and had great high hopes for the world. So He kicked back and rested and pondered on His creation. Something we should do once a week.. preferably Saturday, just like God did.. Read, ponder or just sit back and take in the wows of this world and be thankful. Our wonderful Earth is approximately 6000 years old, and don't let anyone tell you any different. Here is what I took from the bible.. its in the first few pages of the bible if you want to check it out.
Day 1 - God created light and separated the light from the darkness, calling light "day" and darkness "night." That is light, the earth is round so from the light there is still day and night.. but no sun.. not yet.
Day 2 - God created an expanse to separate the waters and called it "sky." So He separated the water below, from the water above – the sky. Well that is what I get from it. So there was the sea and lakes and oceans.
Day 3 - God created the dry ground and gathered the waters, calling the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters "seas." On day three, God also created vegetation (plants and trees). Everything we needed to live.
Day 4 - God created the sun, moon, and the stars to give light to the earth and to govern and separate the day and the night. These would also serve as signs to mark seasons, days, and years.
Day 5 - God created every living creature of the seas and every winged bird, blessing them to multiply and fill the waters and the sky with life.
Day 6 - God created the animals to fill the earth. On day six, God also created man and women – which is Adam and Eve in his own image to commune with him. He blessed them and gave them every creature and the whole earth to rule over, care for, and cultivate.
Day 7 - God had finished His work of creation and so He rested on the seventh day, blessing it and making it holy.

I believe this information was given to Moses when he was up in the mountains with God.. he wrote it down for us to know. God used to dictate to his prophets what He wanted them to write down. So Moses did. You can go into more detail and this is the basics… Our understanding of science should never make us question whether we take God’s word literally of not. If you read the Bible it gives you a consistent account of how the land rose from the sea and its boundaries were set. The action of this is always attributed directly to God. There is no reason to try and explain it in natural terms, it was a creative miracle. If you have any doubts, then check it out. Lack of knowledge is a very bad thing. You should never be unwilling to ever investigate the evidence for creation. Every thing you need to know is right there in the bible.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
4 Adam and Eve Trouble in Paradise - Genesis
So where were we.. Oh yeah…… Adam and Eve. Then trouble started in paradise. You often hear people say that.. ohhh there is trouble in paradise, when people are having problems with their relationships… well actually that was from the beginning of time. Adam and Eve were in trouble. temptation walked into their lives. In walks the devil, satan, whatever you want to call him. Let me tell you who satan is. He was God’s right hand man. The most beautiful, the smartest, the strongest angel of them all. Then he got it in his head that he wanted what God had. he wanted to be better than God, and he rebelled against him. And along with that he talked a ton of other angels into taking his side. God was very upset with him and cast him out of heaven along with his sidekicks. So he comes to earth and takes on human likeness. Him and all his fallen angels. And believe me, they are here. Satan hates God for this and continues to try to manipulate and get as many followers as he can while he is here. He is the reason people are rebellious, he is the reason people lie, he is the reason people hate or have fits of rage or are jealous, no patience, etc.. all this comes from satan. He owns this earth at the moment.. Ok enough here, you know what I mean. All evil comes from satan, and all good comes from God.
So one day, the serpent (who is satan, he can take on any form) well he tricked Eve into eating fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The one and only thing God told them not to do. Tricked into thinking she would have the same knowledge God had, she ate and shared the fruit with Adam. They instantly realized they had disobeyed God and tried to hide from him in the garden. Not wanting the man and woman to eat from the tree of life and therefore live forever, God drove them out of the garden, not without consequences though. There is always consequences for your actions no matter who you are… so God sentenced Eve to pain during childbirth and Adam to work the ground for food (that is why we have all those weeds!!), that applies to all of us. In removing them from the garden, God also pronounced a sentence of death on Adam and Eve by not allowing them to eat from the tree of life and live forever. So that is why we die. That is where death came from. If they had just followed the rules there would be no death. The Son of God comes back to save us from death though, that is where we will have a second life, the good one.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
5 Cain and Abel - Genesis

Adam and Eve then had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain worked the ground, he was the gardener and Abel was a keeper of sheep, the shephard. Overcome with jealousy for his brother, Cain one day killed Abel in the field. First murder here on earth. Adam and Eve had another son, Seth, who also had children. As people populated the earth, God saw that human hearts and thoughts were constantly filled with evil. Satan was here and he was doing his best to ruin everything. It was a sad state. Everyone was doing whatever they felt like doing, major evil was going on in the world. Satan and all his sidekicks!. God was sorry he had ever made humans. There were tons of people on earth at that time, but only one man named Noah pleased God. In the old testament God spoke to people, so he gave Noah instructions on what he wanted to see happen.
Friday, November 25, 2016
6 Noah - Genesis

God told Noah to build an Ark. He built the ark in a desert land for 100 years. No water around for miles. Constantly telling the people to have faith and change their ways, because God was going to put an end to the sinful human race. Did they listen, nope, they kept on living their lives wickedly. Noah built the Ark as God commanded and filled it with a male and female of every kind of animal. God flooded the entire earth, and destroyed all sinful people. It rained for 40 days. God was trying to control evil. When the flood subsided, God promised Noah that he would never again, curse the ground, because of humankind or destroy every living thing. He placed a rainbow in the clouds as a reminder to the human race of his promise. We can see that from time to time even today so that we can have faith in God that this will not happen again. Wooohoooo, I love seeing a rainbow when they appear, it’s a reminder to me.
So the way I see it, because of Noah’s righteous example, he became the father of the world when it started over after the flood. Even though Noah lived during a time of intense wickedness, he persevered and taught his family the principles of God. As the only righteous man alive at that time, Noah’s behaviour actually saved his children. While I know I cant force salvation on you, I would hope that my righteous example will help lead you to God. Like Noah, I tried to be a good mother and teach you faith even in this wicked world we live in.. and we really have no idea how very sick this world is because we live in a great part of the world. Same rules though, and it took Noah an entire lifetime to build that ark, but his patience and perseverance saved the human race. So I look at it as being a parent, it is a long term goal, and we wont see the results for years. So parenting is the greatest test of patience. I have tons of it….. soooo
Thursday, November 24, 2016
7 Tower of Babel - Genesis

Then the survivors got to work and population grew, but the sinful desires of humans led them to build a tower to the heavens at Babel, attempting to establish their own glory, not that of God. It was ordered by Noah’s great grandson, his name was Nimrod. (Even today people say “don’t be such a Nimrod” That is a saying that comes from the bible) I think he thought if he built a tower so high that if God flooded the earth again, they would survive. But God said he would never do that again, so they didn’t have faith obviously. Like gimme a break, they still didn’t get it. God destroyed the tower and scattered the people and their languages all over the earth. At that time there was only one language, so with all these new languages now, there was no way to communicate together to finish the tower of babel, so the Tower building was kaput.. and they took to different parts of the world.
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