Wednesday, November 23, 2016

8 Abraham and Sarah - Genesis

At this point, God decided to deal with the problem of sinful people. He chose one man, Abraham, from whom would come an entire nation that would worship God. He promised this nation a special land where they would live. It was to be from this nation that a Saviour would come who would be a blessing to the people of the world. Abraham was called at the age of 75, to go to the land of Canaan. Leave his family, friends the place he was raised, Ur which is Iraq today! Abraham was first called Abram – he became God’s friend and was blessed with the name Abraham – father of many nations. He obeyed unquestioningly the commands of God, from whom he received repeated promises and a covenant that his “seed” would inherit the land. And his wife Sarai was called Sarah (which means Princess). This happened when Abraham was 99 years old. Sarah was only 90. Abraham was promised – numerious decendents and major prosperity.

At this time the cities of Sodom and Gommorah were totally evil - I will briefly tell this one. God (yup God in the old testament) and two angels came to see Abraham, while they were there, God told Abraham, finally his wife would have a child and they would continue on with their family. Sarah over heard them and laughed cause she was well past the child bearing age, she was like 89 years old! Retirement age! But this is God we are talking about. He says to the two angels with him, go destroy Sodom and Gommorah. everyone there is evil and corrupt. But at that time, Abrahams nephew Lot was living there with his wife and two daughters. So Abraham asked God. If they find 50 decent people will you not destroy them. and He said no.. then he said well how about 40? then 30 right down to if you find 10 decent people will you not destroy it.. and God said yes.. well guess what.. there were not 10 decent people in the whole city. The two angels that went there were taken aside by Lot who said come stay with me where you will be safe. well they were not safe, a gang of men came looking for them and said. Send out the strangers so that we can have sex with them, they said - low and behold. Homosexualty. Im assuming when you are charged with Sodomy.. this is where that came from, it was wrong. These people were blinded and Lot and his wife, and daughters got out of there pretty fast. Now they were told not to look back. but Lots wife did look back. big mistake because she turned into a pillar of salt, she didn't believe I guess. The cities were totally destroyed so that no more evil could be birthed and passed on anymore, enough was enough I would say.

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