Wednesday, November 16, 2016

15 Sampson and Delilah - Judges

Judges is a book titled after the judges of Isreal, who the Lord raised up to assume leadership in Isreal following Joshua's death because Joshua didnt appoint a man to succeed him. Joshua's conquest had been effective, but pockets of resistance continued to plague the Isrealites. The judges were military champions who led the tribes of Israel against the enemies and completed the conquest. The 12 tribes of Isreal had no other center leadership during this time. So needless to say. it was not good. There are several stories to tell about judges, Gideon versus the Midianites is a great story.. but I picked Samson instead.. read on.

Now about Sampson……

Sampson, this is a cool story. His mother again was a women that could not conceive a baby. This seemed to be a problem for many women in the bible.

The story of Samson begins because the Israelites were once again getting into trouble with God. The Israelites just couldn't seem to stay out of trouble for very long. Even after God saved them from the Egyptians, helped them through the Red Sea, and miraculously sent manna from the sky to feed them, they still complained. Even when Moses went to get the Ten Commandments these people started worshiping another god.

So when they started misbehaving again God decided something had to be done. So to punish the Israelites he put the Philistines in charge of them for forty years.

This is where Samson came in. He would help free the Israelites from the Philistines. Except Samson's mom actually couldn't have any children, but an angel of the Lord came to her and told her she would have a child, a son, and that he would be special and to never cut his hair, because his hair would give him super strength. He would be there to save the Isrealites from the Philistines, that was his main purpose. but ...he really went about his life and wasn’t doing what God wanted him to do. Sure he was strong, so strong that he killed a lion with his bare hands and defended himself with ease against his enemies, (the Philistines) they didn't like him very much for sure, and hated his ability to be so strong, so they were constantly trying to figure out how they could get rid of him.

As he got older he got very interested in women, seemed to be his big desire in life. He had lots that is for sure. but there was one women who struck his fancy big time, Delilah, and don't think the Philistines didn't notice that she was getting the attention from Samson. So they struck up a deal with her, find out why he is so strong. They offered her some big money and she fell for it.

So Delilah went home and started to think about how she could get the secret out of Samson. She tries several times. but Samson lies to her and wont give in to her, until she says. How can you say you love me, when you don’t trust me with your thoughts and secrets, she nags at him day and night til finally he gives in and tells her his hair has never been cut. He took certain vows when he was born and was given this gift by God. If his head was shaved he would become as weak as any other man. No more strength!
So when he fell asleep, she cut off his hair! Called in the Philistines and when they grabbed him he realized he had no strength to fight them off. I guess he lost his faith in God. What a big mistake that was, and don’t think he didn’t realize it!

The Philistines had captured Samson but his hair began to grow again. God still had plans for him. In the end Samson regained his strength before they could kill him. They tied him up to two large pillars that held a large temple up and he was able to break free, but when he did the temple fell on him and a large number of Philistines. So this was how God freed the Israelites from the Philistines. Samson didn’t seem to take Gods rules seriously. if he had of taken God seriously, he could have done so much more with his life.

God made each of us for a reason too. He made you exactly how he wanted, and remember God doesn't make mistakes. You have the family you do because that's who God wanted you to be with. You live where you do because that's where God put you. Your life might not be perfect but he wants you to learn and grow with what you have.

Take the time to read Gideon too. Its an amazing story of a man that had HUGE faith in God. He totally understood the power of God. There are many lessons to learn from Gideon, now I wish I had written about him. Read it, its worth it.

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