Tuesday, November 22, 2016

9 Isaac - Genesis

Abraham and his wife Sarah finally had a son, Isaac. Isaac was the first born of Abraham and Sarah, and was loved dearly by both, he was a long time coming. Abraham has major faith in God. Who wouldn’t if God spoke to them eh. God told Abraham to sacrifice his one and only child Isaac. Which was the true test of time for sure. He took his son up to a mountain and raised a knife to him and before he did anything an angel of the Lord stopped him. You see Abraham knew that no matter what, he would obey God and he knew in his heart that he would see his son again. Isaac was spared though. Isaac went on to grow up and later found a women called Rebecca, when he as about 37 years old, she came from another town, but was from his family. This was a pretty cool story too, Abraham sent ahead one of his friends to find a wife for his son Isaac, when he was on his way to find a wife for Isaac he prayed to God to help him find the one. He prayed that God would give him a sign. He asked that she (the women he was looking for) offer him water and also offer water for his camels.... and waalaa.. Rebekah appeared and asked him if he would like water and proceeded to water his camels. Rebecca was the sister of Laban. and she was the one! Off she goes back to marry Isaac and have children. But like Sarah, Rebecca took awhile before she had any kids… like 20 years! then she had two sons, Esau and Jacob.

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