Saturday, November 26, 2016

5 Cain and Abel - Genesis

Adam and Eve then had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain worked the ground, he was the gardener and Abel was a keeper of sheep, the shephard. Overcome with jealousy for his brother, Cain one day killed Abel in the field. First murder here on earth. Adam and Eve had another son, Seth, who also had children. As people populated the earth, God saw that human hearts and thoughts were constantly filled with evil. Satan was here and he was doing his best to ruin everything. It was a sad state. Everyone was doing whatever they felt like doing, major evil was going on in the world. Satan and all his sidekicks!. God was sorry he had ever made humans. There were tons of people on earth at that time, but only one man named Noah pleased God. In the old testament God spoke to people, so he gave Noah instructions on what he wanted to see happen.

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