Thursday, November 24, 2016

7 Tower of Babel - Genesis

Then the survivors got to work and population grew, but the sinful desires of humans led them to build a tower to the heavens at Babel, attempting to establish their own glory, not that of God. It was ordered by Noah’s great grandson, his name was Nimrod. (Even today people say “don’t be such a Nimrod” That is a saying that comes from the bible) I think he thought if he built a tower so high that if God flooded the earth again, they would survive. But God said he would never do that again, so they didn’t have faith obviously. Like gimme a break, they still didn’t get it. God destroyed the tower and scattered the people and their languages all over the earth. At that time there was only one language, so with all these new languages now, there was no way to communicate together to finish the tower of babel, so the Tower building was kaput.. and they took to different parts of the world.

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