Saturday, November 12, 2016

19 Saul - Kings

Saul became Israel's first king. Saul did not follow God's commands and did not trust God. Because of this, God rejected his kingship. Let me tell you a little about King Saul. He was weak, not a leader actually. There were some people called the the Amalek people. very evil evil people. One of the key commandments that the Jewish people are given upon entering the Land of Israel is "to wipe out the Amalek."

Amalek is the ultimate enemy of the Jewish people in history. These are the people that symbolize evil, and there is a commandment in the Bible to wipe them off the face of the earth, because their pathological hatred for Jews is so great, if they have a chance they will wipe the Jews off the face of the earth. Evil evil people, their main ambition is to rid the world of the Jews and their morale influence. They have one thing in mind. Get back to evil and return everyone to idolatry, sinning, etc. So you can see, these people need to be rid of or the world will become corrupt again, just like back in the time of Noah. And God promised to never wipe the world out again, but there has to be some way to control all the evil. So if you don’t believe ya gotta go.

So God tells King Saul to get rid of them. wipe them out, but King Saul is weak. Even though God helped him win many battles, this one he was weak with. The one he should have paid full attention to. He did battle against them, but gave in, he even spared the King of the Amalek’s life! Bad bad bad, so he failed miserably with God. Then in comes David. A young boy chosen to replace King Saul.

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