Tuesday, November 29, 2016

2 The Bible is the story of God's creation

Simply put, the Bible is the story of God's creation, the fall of humankind into sin and finally God's sacrifice in Jesus, paying the price for the sin of all people. That is us! We are the sinners. Everyday there is something that comes up with me.. I don’t know about you, but I struggle with my sins every day. But I know there is a great outcome in the end.. if I keep with it.. Knowing the whole Bible story helps me put each of the books and stories that I have read in context. It helps me understand how it all fits together and I get an amazing picture of God's love for me and everyone for that fact. The more I read the more it becomes clear to me. You are put on this earth to find God.. and to Glorify God. Some it takes longer than others. Took me 50 years. No excuses.

Check it out...but please read the Bible for yourself. It will change your life. I cant stress that enough.

Something you should understand is that God in the Old Testament gave us Prophets.. for a reason so that they could interpret dreams, visions, and talk to. That is right, in the Old Testament God spoke to people. Only in the Old Testament though. People needed direction, so God gave it to them. God gave us prophets, who were selected people that spoke for God and they interpret his will to human beings. They also revealed God’s plan for the future. There was no Holy Spirit then, these holy men spoke as if they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Prophecy is big! Bible prophecy warns people to repent, so they can avoid punishment. Prophecy is the future given in advanced. And there is tons of it in the bible and proven. More to come.. Also understand that in the Old Testament, people didn't have a conscience, they acted like animals at that time.. and very hard to understand sometimes.. they had hearts of stone.. not like today.

God spoke to people in the Old Testament. Even when God spoke to these intermediaries (mediators or links to God), we see infrequent communication rather than frequent regular communication. It was not an every day thing. You had to have alot of patience to wait to hear from God.

He spoke to Noah 5 times over 950 yrs, Abraham 8 times over 175 yrs, Isaac 2 times and 1 time to Rebekah over 180 yrs, Jacob 7 times and 1 time to Laban over Jacob's lifetime. These are just some examples. Also God changed our lifespan to 120 years.. so no more old old people in the bible. That was just in Genesis.

We also see that God does not address personal issues, only issues that involve his redemptive plan. Which is the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.

In the Old Testament, God did not speak to his intermediaries regarding personal matters unless it involved his redemptive plan.

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