Sunday, November 27, 2016

4 Adam and Eve Trouble in Paradise - Genesis

So where were we.. Oh yeah…… Adam and Eve. Then trouble started in paradise. You often hear people say that.. ohhh there is trouble in paradise, when people are having problems with their relationships… well actually that was from the beginning of time. Adam and Eve were in trouble. temptation walked into their lives. In walks the devil, satan, whatever you want to call him. Let me tell you who satan is. He was God’s right hand man. The most beautiful, the smartest, the strongest angel of them all. Then he got it in his head that he wanted what God had. he wanted to be better than God, and he rebelled against him. And along with that he talked a ton of other angels into taking his side. God was very upset with him and cast him out of heaven along with his sidekicks. So he comes to earth and takes on human likeness. Him and all his fallen angels. And believe me, they are here. Satan hates God for this and continues to try to manipulate and get as many followers as he can while he is here. He is the reason people are rebellious, he is the reason people lie, he is the reason people hate or have fits of rage or are jealous, no patience, etc.. all this comes from satan. He owns this earth at the moment.. Ok enough here, you know what I mean. All evil comes from satan, and all good comes from God.

So one day, the serpent (who is satan, he can take on any form) well he tricked Eve into eating fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The one and only thing God told them not to do. Tricked into thinking she would have the same knowledge God had, she ate and shared the fruit with Adam. They instantly realized they had disobeyed God and tried to hide from him in the garden. Not wanting the man and woman to eat from the tree of life and therefore live forever, God drove them out of the garden, not without consequences though. There is always consequences for your actions no matter who you are… so God sentenced Eve to pain during childbirth and Adam to work the ground for food (that is why we have all those weeds!!), that applies to all of us. In removing them from the garden, God also pronounced a sentence of death on Adam and Eve by not allowing them to eat from the tree of life and live forever. So that is why we die. That is where death came from. If they had just followed the rules there would be no death. The Son of God comes back to save us from death though, that is where we will have a second life, the good one.

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