Friday, November 25, 2016

6 Noah - Genesis

God told Noah to build an Ark. He built the ark in a desert land for 100 years. No water around for miles. Constantly telling the people to have faith and change their ways, because God was going to put an end to the sinful human race. Did they listen, nope, they kept on living their lives wickedly. Noah built the Ark as God commanded and filled it with a male and female of every kind of animal. God flooded the entire earth, and destroyed all sinful people. It rained for 40 days. God was trying to control evil. When the flood subsided, God promised Noah that he would never again, curse the ground, because of humankind or destroy every living thing. He placed a rainbow in the clouds as a reminder to the human race of his promise. We can see that from time to time even today so that we can have faith in God that this will not happen again. Wooohoooo, I love seeing a rainbow when they appear, it’s a reminder to me.

So the way I see it, because of Noah’s righteous example, he became the father of the world when it started over after the flood. Even though Noah lived during a time of intense wickedness, he persevered and taught his family the principles of God. As the only righteous man alive at that time, Noah’s behaviour actually saved his children. While I know I cant force salvation on you, I would hope that my righteous example will help lead you to God. Like Noah, I tried to be a good mother and teach you faith even in this wicked world we live in.. and we really have no idea how very sick this world is because we live in a great part of the world. Same rules though, and it took Noah an entire lifetime to build that ark, but his patience and perseverance saved the human race. So I look at it as being a parent, it is a long term goal, and we wont see the results for years. So parenting is the greatest test of patience. I have tons of it….. soooo

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