Tuesday, November 8, 2016

25 Nehemiah

Now where were we with the Bible. Nehemiah, another story or book in the bible. Ezra was already in Isreal, and the walls of the temple were being burned and damaged by all the deadbeats that didn’t like the idea that these God believers were back in town. So they pretty much did everything they could to break down this wall. Without the wall though, the people were in terrible danger from their enemies. These deadbeats just wouldn’t give up, they hated that they were being criticized for their evil ways. So they continued to try to get rid of them, but they had the power of God on their side, so, one of the people left the city and returned to Egypt where Nehemiah was.

Nehemiah was one happy soul. Life was good for this guy, because he had God with him. He had all the faith in the world and trusted God would take care of him. He was always happy, singing, laughing, having a good life, always happy. He actually was the taster for the king. You see people wanted to kill the king all the time back in those days. So there needed to be a cup bearer, someone who would always taste his food or his drink before he ate, just to make sure they were not putting poison in his food or drink. Can you imagine, and Nehemiah had the job. He didn’t care because he had faith, and he knew with God he could do anything. So that was his job and he was very happy to do it. The king thought he was such a happy guy, and really liked him. Well when he got news that the temple was being destroyed it broke his heart. It broke his spirit, and when he went to do his job with the king, the king noticed he was not his happy self. For days he was sad and very unhappy, so the king asked him why? He told him about how the people of Isreal were trying to break down the wall and it was killing him. So the king said, well go fix it!

He liked Nehemiah, and let him go and deal with the problem. Little did he know that God was behind it. Nehemiah went to Israel, and put the people to work praying for God to help them all along the way. He was very determined, and had the people work with a hammer in one hand, and a sword in the other. Half were to work and half were to protect the people working to get the wall built. Nothing was going to stop him, and he had a lot of people against his project. But guess what, with the grace of God, he got the wall built and the people again protected. In a mere 52 days!

During the building of the walls he gets Ezra to read the scriptures to the people, every day they would meet from 9 am til Noon and hear the WOrd....and they finally understand that all this was their inheritance. They finally understand the Scriptures and what was being preached to them from prophets long ago. They are happy and make a firm promise to God to obey his commandments. Major faith rebuilding went on during this time. See, you can't break it down. People today, even today are trying to do the same thing that was being done thousands of years ago. Break down the Christians and make them NOT believe. And let them carry on with their evil ways of life. That will never happen.. ...ever. God is with us all.

Nehemiah helped Ezra and then took measures to repopulate the city and purify the Jewish community, enforcing the cancellation of debt, assisting Ezra to promote the law of Moses, and enforcing the divorce of Jewish men from their non-Jewish wives. I told you all about that in Ezra.
Nehemiah was an amazing leader.. he was a do onto them as I would do onto myself kinda leader. He didnt take from anyone.. and he helped everyone. He feed lots of people daily and it was from his own pocket. I did ask myself.. hmmm wonder where he got all his money to help all these people.. but when you think about it.. he was a cup bearer for like 20 years.. paid very well.. He must have been very trustworthy.. and he went on to become a Govener .. and they too are paid well and Nehemiah took no perks or bonuses.. he wanted to be seen as a righteous person .. a Man of God.. He is incredible actually.. great story to read..

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