Monday, November 14, 2016

17 Hannah- Samuel 1

Then there were many judges. Lots to read about in the bible. Then comes Eli, he is a priest, well I guess I have to tell you about Hannah first. Hannah was another women that wanted a baby, really bad. She would go to church and pray and pray and nothing. She prayed one time and said “Please God give me a baby and if you do, I promise I will dedicate him to you for his whole life” She was praying one day in the church and was so upset, Eli, the priest asked her if she was drunk!! she of course said no, and said she was praying to God to give her a baby. Eli told her to go home and that he would pray for her. Eventually Hannah got pregnant. wooohooo She had a son, and she named him Samuel.

Hannah had waited so long for this child and she loved him so much, but she remembered that she made a promise to God. Hannah was an honest woman and when she made a promise she meant it. Again, Hannah had a good attitude and wanted to give Samuel back to God, she wasn't mad at herself and did not change her mind. Hannah kept her promise.

When Samuel was old enough she went back to the place where she had prayed and said to Eli the priest, "Do you remember me? I am the woman that cried and prayed for this child and He answered my prayer. Now I give him to the Lord and I will leave him with you to learn and work with you." She did go on to have other children, as the bible says. And the LORD visited Hannah, so that she conceived, and bare three sons and two daughters. And the child Samuel grew before the LORD. but this one was special and she knew it. God’s gift.

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