Friday, November 11, 2016

20 David - Kings 2

David was an Isrealite, so of course he had problems with the Philistines. Same as every other Jew or Isrealite. The problem with the Philistines was that they had many giants living in their land. One of the strongest and biggest giants was named Goliath. He was over nine feet tall, which is taller than any person recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. He would've had to bend way down to get through a regular door. David’s brothers were with King Saul, and Goliath fought someone every single day, so David’s father sent him to check on his brothers to see if they were alright. David sees Goliath and asks why his brothers had not fought him..(they were all scared) He then says he will fight him.. Ya gotta realize, David was a young boy. Fighting Goliath would be death for him. He told everyone, no problem, I have God with me on this one. So off he goes to fight the Giant, he defeats the giant with a stone and a sling shot. Right between the eyes so that he falls down dead in front of everyone. He is now very important in this community. A Hero, because he put his trust in God. Now King Saul was out for David and David was constantly on the run from him. Eventually King Saul has his day and dies along with his son Johnathan in a battle. David becomes the King of Jeruselam. And he was a good king. He was a great Military leader and fought many battles with God on his side. Trusting in God for protection. David was a man after Gods heart. But he made many mistakes, he lusted after another mans wife, and had him killed. He got her pregnant, and then married her, but the baby died. He then took a census of the people when God told him not to do it. Although King David fathered Solomon, one of Israel's greatest kings, he was also the father of Absalom, whose rebellion brought bloodshed and grief. Absalom fought his father the whole way, his entire life. David was weak when it came to him. King David's life was a roller coaster of emotional highs and lows. He left us an example of passionate love of God and dozens of psalms in the bible, some of the most touching, beautiful poetry ever written. He ruled over the entire Promised Land from the 'river of Egypt' to the River Euphrates. Through it all, David's first and foremost drive was to have a relationship with God.

After David makes Jerusalem his capital, he buys the upper part of the hill above the northern boundary of the city. This hill is Mount Moriah and what it may lack in physical size, it more than compensates for spiritual greatness. This is important to note, because from the earliest period of Jewish history, the Jewish people recognized the tremendous spiritual power of Mount Moriah. This is where Abraham, sensing God's presence, went up to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. This is also where Jacob dreamt of a ladder going to heaven (Stairway to Heaven). No wonder this is a spot that every major conqueror in all of human history has wanted to own. Today on this spot stands an Islamic structure known as the Dome of the Rock. Under this golden dome is an exposed piece of the bedrock of Mount Moriah-metaphysically known as the "drinking stone." Or "water of life." According to Judaism, the world is spiritually nourished from this spot, this stone-which is the metaphysical center of the universe.

This is the place where God's presence can be felt more intensively than in any other place on the planet earth. Therefore, this is the logical place to build a permanent resting spot for the most holy object that the Jewish people have ― the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. So David had a plan when he bought that land, he is going to bring back the Ark of the Covenant, that the Isrealites have been carting around since Moses and build a Temple for it to remain in. Now although David loves God, and he repents for all his sins, when he brings up the Ark of the Covenant to Mount Moriah, he is not allowed by God to build the temple it will go in. For a number of reasons. One is that the Temple is a house of God and a house of peace and David has alot of blood on his hands from subduing the enemies of Isreal. At this point his son is promised to build it, that being Solomon.

David's greatness shines in both his ability to take responsibility for his actions, and the humility of his admission, and the repentance that follows. This is part of the reason that the ultimate redeemer of the Jewish people, and the world, will descend from David's line ― he will be "Messiah son of David." Jesus..!!

I think I will stop here.. this is a good time to stop and ponder.. There is so much more to say about David.. He was a key player in the bible that is for sure. Read it.. its good stuff.

So.. we sorta covered Judges, which was not a good time in the Bible. The judges didn’t take on good leadership, that is for sure. In the Judges section is Ruth, Ruth and Esther were the only two women that had books named after them.. There were mentions of other women, but none as big as Ruth and Esther. Ok.. then there is Samuel 1 and Samuel 2. Then we are onto Kings.. which all the Kings in Isreal are evil, and only 2 Kings of Judah were good…. That being Asa and Jehoshaphat. My father used to say Holy Jehoshphat.. don’t know why he did.. but he did…… didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.. but in the bible .. Jehoshaphat was a good King.. and of course David.

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