Wednesday, November 9, 2016

22 Elisha - 2 Kings

Elisha did double the amount of miracles as Elijah. Elisha protected the kings and armies of Israel. He also showed the common people that God was concerned with their individual lives and was present among them. The one story in the bible that stuck with me was that after he died. Of Elisha's death, 2 Kings 13:20 simply says, "Elisha died and was buried." But the passage goes on to talk about Moabite raiders who came to Israel every spring: "Once while some Israelites were burying a man, suddenly they saw a band of raiders; so they threw the man's body into Elisha's tomb. When the body touched Elisha's bones, the man came to life and stood up on his feet". It seems that God chose to demonstrate His power through the prophet even after his death.

There are many well-known accounts of Elisha's service as prophet. He healed the waters of Jericho and was jeered by youths upon whom he called a curse resulting in their death by mauling bears. He multiplied a widow's oil. He prophesied a son for a wealthy Shunammite family who hosted him and later restored to life that same son. Elisha also removed poison from a pot of stew and multiplied twenty barley loaves to feed one hundred men. He cured Naaman of leprosy and made a borrowed ax head float. The miracles Elisha performed are, for the most part, acts of helpfulness and blessing. Others strongly resemble some of the miracles of Christ, such as the multiplying of food and the healing of lepers.

God parts the seas for both Elijah and Elisha as he did for Moses. It is all in the Bible.. but that is enough for now.

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