Sunday, November 13, 2016

18 Samuel

So Samuel gets to live with Eli. Eli had other sons himself, but they were all evil. Samuel learned from Eli. One night while he was laying in bed he heard someone call his name. He gets up out of bed and asks Eli if he called him. Eli says no, he goes back to bed and he hears his name again. off to Eli he goes again, at this point Eli realizes that this is God speaking to Eli. So he tells him to go back to bed and when he hears it again, reply, and let God know you hear him..

From then on Samuel knew when God wanted to talk to him and he always listened. God blessed Samuel and he grew up to be a great prophet or spokesperson of the Lord. So Hannah did the right thing when she kept her promise to God. Her son Samuel helped many people know God better. He was the last Judge. There were many Judges, in the section called Judges in the bible. The story about Ruth, I love. it’s a love story, Gideon, is a cool story, but most of the book of Judges is very disturbing. The primary message of Judges is that God will not allow sin to go unpunished.

Samuel brought peace and security to the nation of Israel. But the people rejected God as their ruler and began to want a king like the surrounding nations to provide military leadership and protect them from their enemy, the Philistines. God warned the people of the consequences of having such a king, he said, you want a king.. ok I will give you a king.. and granted the people their request. Saul became Israel's first king.

.. for now.. lets continue on ok….. hang in there with me.. and you will know every character in the bible.. you wont be ignorant to anything anyone every talks about.. you will know a little about everyone….. how cool is that.. here we go again, to continue with our story…….

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